It attracts kindness, prosperity and well-being, brings success at work and in personal affairs, a good luck charm, endowed with magical properties and charged with positivity. In order for the amulet to act for the benefit and accompany the owner in everything, it is better to make it with your own hands. The attribute will not take much time to create, but its protection power will be doubled.

Types of good luck charms
lucky coin
This is a well-known amulet for wealth and attracting financial stability. If a coin is found on the street, it is important to note which side is facing the light. If the head is high, it means that the object is endowed with the magical property of accumulating money. If the coin is turned up, then the meaning of the amulet is interpreted in the opposite way, so you should not take it with you. You can make a talisman from a nickel coin that attracts buyers and increases income. It is important to activate the amulet correctly and charge it with the energy of prosperity.
A nickel placed in the shoe of a student or student will help you answer the exam correctly and confidently.
Plants that attract luck, abundance and health
Amulets from plants helped protect not only one person, but also the whole family from negativity, the evil eye, damage, problems and diseases. The most powerful protectors, endowed with magical and protective properties, are:

- thistle;
- St. John's wort;
- trefoil;
- Laurel;
- cactus;
- geranium;
- azalea;
- Money Tree?
- begonia;
- spurge;
- bonsai?
- mint.
Plants chosen according to the zodiac also bring good luck, protection and strength. It is important to pay attention not only to how a particular flower looks, but also to the energy that comes from it and the sensations that arise during contact. Plant amulets of happiness must evoke exclusively positive emotions, otherwise they do not bring good luck, but, on the contrary, harm the owner, taking away his strength and vital energy.
Animals that give prosperity and success
Amulets for good luck and wealth, depicting animals, have long helped to improve business, success, warn of problems and avoid dangerous situations in life. The following amulets attract positive energy:
Cricket. A powerful magical talisman for luck, good luck, protection from negative energy, the evil eye and damage.Love Bug. Symbol of wealth, good luck, easy money, prosperity.Scarab. A small good luck charm, signifying rebirth, transformation.Guardian Leo. A powerful talisman, the main function of which is to protect against thieves and increase financial and other assets. Residents of China often decorate their front doors with such amulets, since in this country this animal is endowed with magical properties.The dragon. Amulet of health, strength, power, fearlessness. A medal with the image of a dragon makes the owner happy, successful and easily overcomes difficulties.Pig. Japanese residents consider this animal to be the guardian of family well-being. Such a talisman helps the owner attract good luck, financial stability and increase wealth for a year.Three-legged toad. A lucky sign that accumulates positive energy in the house, promoting attraction and accumulation of money. In the mouth of the toad there is a coin on which magical signs must be written that will positively affect cash flow.Elephant. This is a success amulet that brings good luck in any field of activity. The trait is used not only to attract funds, with its help a person gains wisdom, prudence and longevity.

The Chinese character "Zi" or "Luck" will help you achieve incredible success in business and make happiness your constant companion. It is not recommended to carry the amulet in a purse or use it as a pendant. A special place in the house is chosen for him, where the action will unfold to the maximum. If you place the hieroglyph "Dzy" in the corridor, it will protect your home from negativity, in the workplace it will contribute to career development, and in the field of money it will increase overall well-being.
The hieroglyph "Fu" is a powerful amulet for good luck and fortune. It is placed in an area where happiness is lacking. The next hieroglyph - "Ai" - is a love amulet. It helps you find your soul mate, create a strong, happy marriage with her and brings calmness, peace and prosperity to existing relationships. The "Show" mark is a symbol of longevity, giving the owner health and a long, happy life.And to heal from diseases they use the hieroglyph "Yen kang" - health. The "Ji Yen" symbol increases monetary prosperity, promotes success and good luck in business, and charges the owner with positivity.
The Japanese character of "Luck" is popular and placed in any corner of the house. With its help, it will be possible to harmonize the space and attract success, prosperity and well-being to the family.
Amulets of different religions
Good luck charms, like ancient magic, exist in every religion. All attributes differ from each other in appearance and method of construction, but there is one thing that unites them - their purpose is to serve, protect and bring good luck to the owner. In Christianity, the main amulets that bring good luck, protect and protect from evil are the cross and the symbol "Fish", which personifies Jesus Christ. Among Buddhists, a popular talisman for good luck is a Buddha figurine, a lotus flower, a white shell, an endless knot and mandala.
The inhabitants of North America, the homeland of the Indians, used the following to attract good luck and prosperity:
- bison tooth;
- bracelet with the face of God.
- salamander.
In the Scandinavian countries, where the strict Vikings reigned, the main attributes that brought success and protection were runes, which were used alone or composed of galdrust. Another amulet that gives the owner courage, luck and invincibility is the "Hammer of Thor". In the territory of Ancient Russia, even before baptism, it was customary to worship Slavic gods. The following were considered common amulets:
- Kolovrat?
- Rodovik?
- Veles?
- They pass.

Other amulets
An amulet in the form of a snake or an owl attracts success and also enhances intuition. When taking an exam, the student is advised to take with him a talisman with an image of an animal, not forgetting to talk to him the day before and ask for help. Another talisman for students that helps prepare for the exam and successfully pass is a red thread tied on the wrist of the left hand with seven knots. Red has long been considered a protective color, protects against negative influences, gathers energy and regenerates good luck. Despite the beneficial influence and help of talismans, you should not neglect the preparation for exams, because if your head is empty, no amount of magic will help you succeed.
How to do it yourself?
A talisman created with one's own hand for good luck has the owner's personal power and energy, so its effect is much stronger. You can make a talisman from paper, beads, stones, wood, and various figures are sculpted from clay. It is important to follow the rules and regulations of traditions, applying symbols in a certain order. When the amulet is ready, it is important not to forget to activate it by saying a special spell or prayer.