Amulet for attracting money with your hands

Desires do not always coincide with possibilities. This is always frustrating, because everyone needs a life in abundance. In the modern world, there is no one who says he does not need money.

To live well, you have to work hard and there is no time left for your personal life. It is not right! Many are even less fortunate and even hard work does not pay off.

Is it realistic to take money by chance? Yes, this is possible if you have a handmade amulet to attract money.

case to attract money

There are many magical ways to attract money. Not everyone is created equal. However, there are particularly powerful amulets for money.


When traveling to warmer areas, it is customary to bring a shell as a souvenir. It is the one that can become an issue for increasing prosperity.

The construction of a DIY amulet is as follows:

  • You need to put a coin lubricated with bergamot oil in the shell.
  • Further, the structure is filled with wax wax.

The amulet must be kept in the workplace. But it is better to hide it to avoid strange questions and confused looks.

Bag with money

In addition to personal, handmade money talismans, you should use talismans for the home.

You need to put coins in a canvas bag. In this case, the entire circulating face value must be used. Pens, rubles will do.

This bag can be stored in a conspicuous place. It will attract money home.

In addition to using amulets to attract money from your hands, you need to follow the signs that will not allow money to flow out of the house.

Caution! You can not borrow money at night, even if it is a friend or relative.

It is forbidden to count money in the dark, it is better to postpone the process until the morning.

It is also not desirable to clean the house at night. This applies to wiping and mopping.

You can not wipe the crumbs from the table with your hand, only with a cloth.

By observing the signs, you can save money. Beliefs have been around for over a century and are reliable.


Red wallet as a money amulet

Surprisingly, your own wallet can be turned into an amulet to attract money. To do this, you must bring it to the moon and mentally ask for an increase in cash. You have to do such a ritual-amulet on each new moon.

Coins with ribbon

Chinese coins to attract money

The mascot is quite simple to execute. You need to drill holes in two coins and pass a red silk thread through them. This handmade amulet to attract money came from China. By the way, the peoples of the East and Asia have always known a lot about magic symbols and rituals.

Keys to the rivers of money

For a DIY amulet, you need a lock and a key. These can be purchased at any hardware store. The lock itself must be hidden in the workplace and you must always have the key with you. Thus, you will get an amulet made to attract material wealth and lock in existing stocks. Practice shows that this is important, as money often slips out of your fingers. At the same time, there are no big costs, but for a normal life there is not always enough supply.


This amulet for attracting money can not be called homemade, but at the same time it performs its functions well. To improve your financial situation, it is worth buying a money tree for your home. Thick leaves and nice appearance. Eastern teachings consider the plant as a faithful helper.

Turquoise pouch

During the waxing moon, it is necessary to sew a blue cloth bag. You need to put natural turquoise in it. Every day, you have to put coins or bills in the bag from the smallest to the largest. When the last big bill is in the bag, you have to count all the money.

The renewed amulet can be stored in public view or in a secluded place. In this case, it does not matter.

coins to attract money

A self-made amulet acquires a special meaning and impact on the situation. During simple manipulations, there is an attraction between the thing and the object.

It is worth remembering that the amulet you bought may not be valid. If there is no way to make an amulet to attract money with your own hands, then of course you can buy it. There is nothing forbidden about it.

But before using it, you must clean it with water or air. Just put the amulet in water or fresh air.

pigtail of money

In the sewing department you have to buy threads in red, green and blue. At night, when a young moon appears in the sky, you need to knit a braid of threads. You need to wear an amulet to attract money to your left hand. Once the amulet fulfills the desire for money, it must burn.

Caution! This type of amulet is considered disposable. It is made to fulfill a monetary desire.

But later you can knit a new braid.

amulet to attract money image

card symbol

Previously, this amulet was used by players to attract money. Today the recipe has undergone changes and can be used as a magic amulet for well-being.

You need to buy a new deck in the store. You need only one - the jack with the sticks. It is placed in a dark and rough cloth bag together with black pepper grains.

It's hard to explain how these things interact, but they work in parallel. They say that in a month, the owner of a self-made amulet to attract money will see the first increase in material.

Signs of different peoples

In Egypt, the scarab is responsible for wealth. Using symbolism with this insect, they make various amulets to attract money.

The Greeks use inscriptions in which various conspiracies are encrypted as an amulet to attract money. They put them on pendants, rings and papyri.


It does not matter what and how the amulet will be made. It is important to have an inexplicable liking for the subject and to believe it. On a subconscious level, there must be confidence that the precious thing brings monetary prosperity. Do-it-yourself amulets to attract money are support, help and motivation. In addition, it is important to remember that work and patience are the two basic conditions for financial success. A mysterious amulet in your pocket will drive away all obstacles and shackles that stand in the way.